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Lincoln: A Novel (Narratives of Empire, Book 2)

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Audible Hörbuch
Spieldauer: 32 Stunden und 54 Minuten
Format: Hörbuch-Download
Version: Ungekürzte Ausgabe
Verlag: Brilliance Audio Erscheinungsdatum: 25. Juni 2019
Sprache: Englisch, Englisch
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 86.928 in Audible Hörbücher & Originals (Siehe Top 100 in Audible Hörbücher & Originals)
I loved this book and devoured it. Talk about page turners! Vidal show us the psyche and vast intelligence of Lincoln at work. Lincoln was an absolute political genius who totally out wits his many Machiavellian rivals. Readers will love the way Lincoln gives his opponents slack and then reels them into the net of his will. Vidal also underscores Lincoln's total commitment to the 'Union' which, for Lincoln, is the most sacred of concepts. There is a host of supporting characters, particularly Salmon Chase, who are aptly drawn and who engage the reader's interests. This is amazing fiction, yet you will learn more about Lincoln in these pages than in a half-dozen good biographies. This is a book that is both profound and entertaining and I unequivocally recommend it.
I was enthralled by this book, yet can't help but feel it brought me no closer to the figure at its centre. Vidal captures accurately the 'feel' of Washington as a city at war - the intrigue, the booming brothels, the personalities, the sweep of great events happening. We see Lincoln as the still centre of a hurricane - because the focus of the novel shifts to the people around him - his secretaries Nicolay and Hay, the assassin David Herold, even Mrs Lincoln. I feel Vidal's Lincoln is basically that of Edmund Wilson, with Lincoln as the American Lenin, a revolutionary forging a new nationalist creation (the 'United States' in the singular, not the plural) without its full consent. However, this view has been exploded by Lincoln biographers, notably David Donald's latest effort. True, a revolution did happen, but not by Lincoln's foreknowledge and volition. He was more like a ship's captain steering a course with uncertain maps and compasses and his own sense of what was right. That been said, I loved the way the book captured the air of the Civil War as it actually happened. A must for all Lincoln-philes, and others who enjoy historical novels.
Mr. Vidal's book, I found, was a perfect mallet with which to destroy the myth that surrounds the person of Abraham Lincoln. Not being an American, I have always been subjected to a surreal view of American history, that seemed more legend than fact. 'Lincoln' drew a humanistic picture of that president. A picture that showed a man dedictated to the country that was and would be again after a turbulent civil war. I liked the way that Mr. Vidal portrayed President Lincoln, not as the 'great emancipast' that he was to later be dubbed, but as a politician who freed the slaves solely to hurt the enemies of the Union and who wanted to push those freed slaves out of the United States, instead of letting them remain as free people. Definitely a good read.
I heard Gore Vidal give a talk / interview on NPR one Saturday afternoon when I was driving around Berkeley... I stopped and parked to listen. Thoughtful, witty, knowledgeable man. He said his historical fiction is based closely on truth and that it's an attempt to bring the real history of the nation to the reader... at a level which isn't at all touched upon in history class. I think that he came through with his promise. _Lincoln_ shows the complex politics at play. Overall, this book is definitely recommended.What it misses, I think, is a fair sense of the abolitionist movement. Yes, Lincoln was cagey, and probably did care more about keeping the Union together than he did about freeing the slaves. But there are characters who are staunch abolitionists, but instead of letting the reader get a feel for the passion in the movement, the movement is given no eloquent voice. Indeed, Sect. of Treasury Chase is supposedly a staunch abolitionist, but we never see any side of this... we are only told. The side we see is a power-grubbing fool. Surely there was more than that, surely Vidal could do a little bit better to bring us the flavor of the times, to learn who was doing the acting. I feel like he did this for events within the whitehouse, but why couldn't there be just a little more depth about the war and about abolition?
As a student of history, I was attracted to LINCOLN by a social studies teacher. To date, it is the most time-worthy publication I have read! It allows the reader to feel as though they are present for all of the books happenings. It describes Abraham Lincoln as he really was; non-commital on the slavery issue. Perhaps the greatest of Vidal's achievements in LINCOLN is that it is in "novel" form. This allows all to enjoy it regardless of ones educational background. To put it bluntly, Gore Vidal's, LINCOLN, reminded me that one can learn just as much about a time period from a novel as one can from a textbook. LINCOLN is a terrific read!!!
Very sketchy. I like Vidal's writing but the tape must have been edited with a meat cleaver. All that was on the tape seemed to be excerpts. Those were tantizing enough. But I couldn't recommend the tape version.
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